Thursday, October 01, 2015

My Crazy Ass Week

My Crazy Ass Week

Sept 27-Oct 1, 2015

Walla Walla, divorce, panic attack, dead cat, psychic, staging gig, bee sting

Spent a long weekend in Walla Walla wine tasting for ADP/CL's 40/41, or per the Walla Walla time warp, 34/35. Came home to a husband who wanted a divorce, that's fine, I've wanted one for years. Still sucks. The first day I was kind of giddy, the second day the finality and uncertainty of everything hit as I was boarding the ferry, I then proceeded to have a massive panic attack the entire ferry ride. First time in 7 years. I remember the first time, called 911, thought I was dying. This time luckily I was able to pull my shit together in 15 minutes, but those minutes were pure hysterics, tears and hyperventilating.  Bought some new makeup, made it through the day.  Drank alot.

This morning discovered my great, big giant cat Buck was killed during the night; ugly and devastating. Cried all day. I adored that cat, sorry Chester, but he was the coolest cat. So sweet and never destructive, the dog I always wanted. Sure he bit the child a time or two, probably just a love bite. There is now a cat grave and memorial in my garden.

Forced myself to go to my first psychic reading, despite all of the emotions of the past few days. A skeptic I admit, but highly recommended by a trusted friend. I did receive the clarity and understanding I sought. Disappointed there was no crystal ball. I am a believer and I will be back.

Needless to say my work week has been less than stellar but I did receive my first staging gig based on a presentation I somehow pulled off the morning after the divorce talk. We meet tomorrow and I am so excited! I have amassed all of these cool items that are just sitting in storage waiting to be on display. The excitement prompted me to finish a piece I have started working on weeks ago. In my laziness to avoid walking across the yard to the shed to grab a new pair of latex gloves, I grabbed a used one and was instantly stung by a bee on my finger. Typing through the pain. The piece of furniture looks great.

I am exhausted and thankful that tomorrow is Friday and I have weekend plans. I hope for a boring week next week, although more divorce talk is eminent. I was planning on detoxing after the wine weekend, that is not happening.

Oh yeah, I also signed paperwork to relinquish my dog Yogi, the duck killer and random house pisser.  Also had to give up the foster license I worked so hard this past year to get.